I'm a wedding cake artist and I am passionate about creating luxurious, edible and delicious art.



Best of Zola 2023
Best of Zola 2024
Best of Zola 2025

Being a cake artist isn't what I thought I'd be doing. I grew up in Nebraska where I had dreams of playing professional golf. My family owns a wedding venue that I grew up and worked at during school and around golf After college and 8 years of touring, I had no idea what was next. What do I do now that I was ready to set aside my clubs? During lockdown, I decided that I wanted to decorate a cake for the first time and that was it. Within three months I had started my desserts business.

One of the things that I think is absolutely necessary in business is to constantly be growing and evolving. Not only to fit your client's needs but to find your niche. As I created such a wide variety of desserts, I found that cakes were my favorite creations. As I narrowed this down and created my very first wedding cake, I'd found my way back into the wedding industry. It feels like I belong. Now I get to work and create bespoke cakes for some of the most beautiful weddings in Arizona.

a glimpse behind the cake

Growing up in the wedding industry has lead me to this wonderful, beautiful place in my life. i get to create edible art for an incredibly special day in my clients' lives.



Working and improving my business. I want to create literal works of art for my clients.

favorite place

Anywhere that my husband is.

Fun Fact

Did I mention that I played professional golf? 


I remember the lyrics to a lot of songs. A lot.


I love to read and going to the movie theater. Anyone else love the popcorn "butter"?


My morning routine! If I can get my workout in and start my day responding to a few emails with a coffee in hand, I'm a happy person.

My core values

I have created a streamlined inquiry, booking and design process to make sure that your experience with A. Cakes is as stress-free as possible. Wedding planning during your engagement can be wonderful and we intend to be a joyful process for you.



When I create a bespoke wedding cake, I want every aspect of it to reflect my clients. With a design interview, we'll create a cake that is perfect for your wedding. And a perfect design is nothing without perfect execution. I make sure that every inch of your cake is exactly how it should be.

Detail focused


You have made sure that every aspect of your wedding is hand chosen, your cake should be no different. Choosing me to work on your wedding cake and allowing for creative freedom means that you will see your cake for the first time and it will flow with your wedding while also being a unique piece of art.

embrace creativity
